Monday, December 29, 2014

ACE #316: The Art of Avoiding Spirit Killers

Have you ever encountered someone who is just a “spirit killer”? 

How many times have you had someone intentionally set out to ruin your day with their negativity? Spirit killer. 

How many times have you complemented someone and they can’t even say “thank you”? Spirit killer. 

Have you ever done something nice for someone and that someone was ungrateful? Spirit killer.

How many times have you accomplished something grand only to be met by a jealous person who cannot even congratulate you? Spirit killer.

How many times have you encountered someone who never has anything good to say about anything or anybody?  Spirit killer.

How many times have you sat in a church service and the spirit is moving, then someone does something so foolish or distracting that it threatened to ruin your worship experience?  Spirit killer.

Lately, it seems, I have encountered more and more spirit killers in my day to day functions.  It's as if they hover like dark clouds.  I have had to really look at the signs for recognizing spirit killers. 

When I think about Queen Jezebel I am reminded that her role was literally to kill the prophet, not just Elijah, but all of those who were deemed as prophets.  She was a mean busybody and terribly self-absorbed and controlling. 

Then there is King Herod.  He wanted to know exactly when the Christ-child would be born because he had set out to kill him.  After the warning from the angel, Joseph had to take Mary and the child from Egypt to the land of Israel.  They eventually ended up in Nazareth ultimately to escape death.  That’s why Jesus was referred to as a Nazarene.

Part of the art of avoiding spirit killers is to learn to align yourself with people who will encourage and uplift you and avoid those who are determined to keep or put you in a place of discontentment.

Sometimes in order to escape spiritual, emotional, and mental death at the hands of a spirit killer, you have to heed the warning signs and get out of dodge…

#Nazarene #packupandmove

Matthew 2

Then Herod called the Magi secretly and found out from them the exact time the star had appeared. He sent them to Bethlehem and said, “Go and search carefully for the child. As soon as you find him, report to me, so that I too may go and worship him.”

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