Monday, May 11, 2015

ACE #377: I Wish It Was Me

A couple of weeks ago I took sick. I was down for a couple of days and it was rough. In fact, this rarely happens so my family was a little surprised that I couldn't do much of anything. As I was quarantined in the guest bedroom, they would frequently come in to check on me and see if I needed anything. Then one time my daughter came in with her sad face and said, 

"Daddy, when are you going to be better?"

I kindly responded with uncertainty, "I don't know."

"I wish it was me. I don't like it when you are down," she replied.

As the tears started to roll down her face, I just simply told her that daddy would be back up soon and I did not want it to be her. 

Thinking about this, I hear the conversation between Jesus and the Scribes concerning the question about which commandment is the most important (Mark 12).  The Scripture says, "...the second is this. You shall love your neighbor as yourself..." My daughter was willing to take my sickness so I could be up and around. Wow! 

She didn't know my illness. She didn't really understand the battle. She just knew she didn't want to see me struggle. That's love. Sound familiar? Yes. It was Jesus. He made Himself available to suffer death on the cross for us so we can be up and around. And, it only happened when He rose with all power in His hands. No, I am not calling my daughter Jesus. I am saying that when we are willing to take on our neighbors' burdens because we feel their hurt and don't like to see them suffer, we are not far from the kingdom of God. Jesus said it Himself. We love our neighbor as if we are going through the same thing. 

"I wish it was me" is what she said. I know she loves the Lord. Now, I know she loves her neighbor as herself. 

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