Thursday, February 5, 2015

ACE #336: Scandal Time - A Really Bad Hair Day

Last we saw Olivia, she was in a cell with a very small window.  She had on those same black pajamas.  Her usually well-sculpted, elaborately coiffed hair was extremely disheveled and dirty.  I wasn't ready for that, but should not have been surprised.  As a black woman, I am quite familiar with a bad hair day.  But way more than that.  The "Run" episode had me on the edge of the seat.  Changing from Jake's to Olivia's point of view was pretty darn genius of Shonda Rhimes.  And by the way, Olivia will definitely need a new couch because that wine stain will be a monster to clean.

I immediately thought that this was her father's doing - as a punishment for Olivia's obvious disobedience and defiance - and because he always shows up in her apartment both uninvited and unexpectedly.  But then it became very clear, this was not his work. Surprise!  Andrew, the VP, is certainly behind this one.  He has to be...right? Then again, it's Scandal...and nobody can be trusted!

But it was when she realized it, like in "Four Brothers" when Andre Benjamin's character said, "He ain't coming" - none of Olivia's men in her life were coming to rescue her.  Does anybody know exactly how long she had been missing?  Well, I guess it was long enough not to even contemplate that she was sitting on that dirty toilet.  Ewwwww! After so long, she just didn't care...I guess.  And why is everybody so surprised she killed those two men?  She was going to shoot her own father at point blank range a few episodes ago.  Ms. Pope is not comfortable being bullied or feeling terrified. I did love her confidence though in her exchange with the kidnappers.  She basically let them know that she does not deal with "underlings" - only the person in charge. 

Can I just be honest?  I didn't know that a bra underwire could be so versatile in its use.  That is all.  

Hats off to the darling Ms. Washington.  Her range of emotion in this episode was the best I have seen since her role in Django Unchained. The depth in her performance was awesomely convincing!

And where did the black lady across the hall come from?  I have never, ever seen her.  I don't think I even knew Olivia had neighbors.  I guess we will find out tonight in the episode, "Where's the Black Lady?"

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Psalm 118:8
It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in man. 

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