Tuesday, February 17, 2015

ACE #345: Remix It For Me

The word "remix", according to Merriam Webster’s dictionary means:

A variant of an original recording (as of a song) made by rearranging or adding to the original

Of course, when I hear the term "remix", I am immediately taken to music. You know, the remix is most of the time the best version of the song. You can change the beat. You can add some other vocals or talent. The producers take the original in hopes of making it into a different, hopefully better, version.

I can recall my life before I chose to walk with Christ. I thought it was good. But the Producer, in Heaven, knew that a remix would be better. So, He began to change my beat and add new vocals so I could talk with Him. He put some other vocals in my life - people who see me as God sees me.

When King David wrote Psalm 51, he was broken and needed to be remade. When God first established the earth, He had to re-make it because of sin. The apostle Paul was remade from Saul, who  originally was a persecutor of Christ. Sometimes, God just might have to remix us to get something different out of us.

Every time I hear the remixed song "Clean This House", by Isaac Carree, I get excited about the next variant of me. Sometimes we just need God to do a remix in our lives so we can get different results.

“Remix it for me!”

Take a listen:

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