Saturday, September 21, 2013

ACE #3: Purpose

ACE #3 Purpose


Read Luke 10:25-37

Friends God has a purpose for each one of us. That purpose is to
Love Him and Honor Him. And love your neighbor. That’s right our neighbor.

We can't do this if we are always thinking of ourselves and how we can feed our own desires and wants. A life in Christ is not about how much we are winning in sporting competitions, if I am smarter than my co-worker, how much money I can make, or if I have the fancy car or not. Our purpose in Christ is about true love. It’s about the love that comes from the heart, the soul and the mind.

It means we are the same person in public as we are in private. It means we are in true love with our neighbor despite their ill feelings towards us. It means having faith to believe that even though it does not look good; it's working for the good.

In the clip, Grant challenged his team. He made a resolution to give God everything and leave the rest up to Him. He wanted to know who would join him. God commands us to Love Him first. He commands us to do it with all of our heart, soul and mind. In doing this, we resolve to let Him be the focus of how we live daily. What we did years ago and are doing now, means nothing if it is not bringing honor and glory to Lord. It’s not about us. We are not here for us. Our purpose is to love Him. Honor Him. Worship Him. Serve Him. Adore Him. Share Him. Teach Him. Preach Him. Confess Him. Believe in Him. Hope in Him and wait for Him. We are to love and honor the Lord in every aspect of our lives. This is our responsibility. This is our purpose.




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