Tuesday, February 4, 2014

ACE #126: Switching Sides

I've come across many people who are not Christians.  I am cautious not to call them non-believers because they might believe in something or someone, just not my God.  I don't debate them, argue with them, ridicule them, dismiss them, or even speak ill of them.  What I've learned is that it's my testimony, my witness, and my life that will speak volumes to them.

Paul was known initially as a persecutor of Christians.  After his experience with Jesus Christ on the road to Damascus, he "switched sides".  Paul was caught between two different worlds - what some would call "straddling the fence". Those who he had persecuted still feared him and certainly did not trust him.  His followers, no doubt, felt betrayed, bitter, and angry toward him when he stepped on the other side of the line.  He even changed his name from Saul to Paul.  He really became brand new as a follower of Jesus Christ.  I love the idea of the "Damascus Experience". 

One thing I know for myself is that when you encounter the power of Jesus Christ so greatly in your life, it is so life-changing. I see God in the small things.  I see His hand in mighty acts.  I see His power in miraculous works.  I see His love...even in the faces of my enemies.

For those who do not believe in Jesus Christ, I invite you to "switch sides".  And if you don't, it's okay.  I still invite you to the table in love, in honor, and in Christ.

Saul's Conversion:

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