Thursday, February 6, 2014

ACE #128: Slipping On Ice

Last night, a few co-workers and I flew in from Orlando, Florida.  We didn't think we were going to make our connecting flight from Atlanta to Lexington.  We took off running in the airport so that we wouldn't get left behind.  It made me think about how urgent would it be if we were afraid that when the rapture comes that we would get left behind.  But that is another discussion to be had at a later date.  It was the landing that hit home with me.

As we were attempting to land, I looked out of the window and saw the snow and the covered roads.  It's the ice we couldn't see.  Ice is very deceiving, you know? I thought that the landing was going to be a little tricky.  The pilot landed farther back on the runway than normally anticipated because he knew that the brakes and the tires were going to have to work harder than usual to land safely.  Yep, you guessed it...we slipped all down that icy runway.  Was it scary?  Absolutely!  But did I doubt that we would land safely?  Not really. My faith said so. 

I say all of this just to remind someone that when you feel like you are "slipping on ice" or losing your footing spiritually, pray for God to cover you and to catch you.  But don't miss just might have to work harder than usual.  When I've "slipped" in my life, God has always landed me safely back in His care and back in an upright position, but I had to put some work in too just like those brakes and those tires. Do your part to gain your spiritual footing...

Proverbs 24:16
for though the righteous fall seven times, they rise again...

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