Monday, July 14, 2014

ACE #251: Get Somewhere and Find Some Peace

I remember going through a really bad break up about 15 years ago.  Everywhere I turned, there were constant reminders of this dude.  I could not get any peace in order to heal properly from the poison that brewed and stewed from this break up.  Then I got a fellowship assignment many states away; and I was able to find some peace even in the midst of a busy and noisy environment.  It took a lot of prayer and meditation - a spiritual cleansing really.  I tell people all the time, that a big city was actually my quiet place - the place where I found some peace.

I have watched many of my friends struggle through situations where there is just so much emotional, physical, and mental unrest.  They have gotten to the point where they have migraines, high blood pressure, ulcers, panic attacks, and chest pains as a result of stress.  Some lose sleep at night, are easily agitated and aggravated, and are just difficult to get along with most days.  At the end of the day, its because they just cannot find some peace.

One of my favorite songs to sing is called, "He's a Keepa'" by Rodney Bryant.  It has very few words to it.  The words are derived from Isaiah 26:3, "He'll keep you in perfect peace if you keep your mind stayed on Him."  So simple, yet so profound.

If you find yourself - your inner spirit - in a constant state of turmoil and unrest - then you're doing way too much.  In the words of the kids, "Have a seat...several seats!" (That just made me laugh out loud!)

But seriously, I encourage you to keep your mind stayed on God; God's peace will exceed anything that you or anybody else will be able to understand.  This is your official invitation to peace.

"He's a Keepa'"

Isaiah 26:3
You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you. 

2 Thessalonians 3:16
Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times in every way. The Lord be with you all. 

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