Sunday, March 29, 2015

ACE #359: God Has Mercy On Me

My daughter and I went through the drive-thru of McDonald's. We ordered our items and exited the parking lot. As I began to start on the ice cream I purchased, I noticed a woman holding a sign. I could not make out what the sign said, but the top of it said homeless. The light changed and we passed the lady. Then, the light changed back to red. We were now in the very front of the light and the lady was now several cars back. I debated over and over in my head as to what I should do. 

"Should I hold up traffic and offer her something?" 
"Maybe she's doesn't really need anything."
"Is this woman really homeless?"

Then the light changed and as I was licking my ice cream, it hit me. Compassion. 

God sent His Son, Jesus, to save me. Yes, me. I may not have been holding a sign on the corner, but I needed Jesus to change my situation many times before. God sent me someone and some situations that would introduce me to His Son, Jesus. 

So, I just about confused the other drivers as I swiftly made a move to turn around and go back. To my daughter's surprise, she asked, 

"Daddy, why did you do that?"

I told her I just wanted to help the lady on the corner. 
You see, I am not really sure of the woman's situation, but I am sure of this - God's mercy is given to us daily through the death, burial and resurrection of His Son, Jesus, when we accept it and believe it. When we have an opportunity to show comfort and compassion, we should think about how we got/get through our sufferings. 

God has mercy on me. 

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