Wednesday, April 15, 2015

ACE #364: You Reap What You Sow...For Sure

Galatians 6:7 says, "Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows." 

Not too long ago, I did a good deed.  It cost me monetarily, but I knew that it was something that the Lord had instructed me to do.  A few days later, I turned in my travel form from work; I expected to receive a very small amount.  As God would have it, I received the amount I had sown in this good deed plus one dollar.  That's one kind of seed.

Last month, one of my co-workers gave our daughter a gift because she said that I was always so thoughtful of her.  That's another kind of seed.

An older lady was having difficulty getting into her car and although I was in a rush, I stopped and helped her turn off her car alarm and placed her groceries in her trunk for her.  A few moments later, an elderly gentleman gave me his shopping cart.  Yet, that's a different kind of seed as well.

Then there was that one day when a co-worker went ballistic on me...and I said nothing back except, "Please get out of my office" in the most calm voice.  And I certainly surprised myself with that response.  Shortly after, someone did the same exact thing to her, but with a much different ending to that episode.

Some people liken "seeds" to echoes, boomerangs, or plain ole karma that always comes back on you - both in good ways and bad ways.

As Christians we are not given the privilege of being Christians "sometimes" or when it's convenient. We have to govern ourselves accordingly in all that we say and do. Remember, if you so sow seeds of ugliness, then ugliness will return to you. If you sow seeds of loving kindness, then someone will show you love and kindness when you need it most or when you least expect it. Instead of plotting to "get back" or "get even" just let God have his way. I learned that I have absolutely no power compared to whatever God can do. But there's also honor in sowing a seed, yet expecting nothing in return...just because you know God has already been so good to you.

So, choose to plant a beautiful garden or cultivate a field full of thickets and thorns. It's your choice! What kind of seed will you sow today?

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