Sunday, November 17, 2013

ACE #61: God's Elect

Hey, sports fans. 

Many times, as fans, we look at the make up of a player and then we decide if that is the player who should be in the game. You know what we say...

Player A looks like he can take anybody...

Player B was the top recruit...

Player C has the most experience...

We make our decisions based on looks, a player's experience and from our own opinions of an athletes skill. We don't give other players a chance because of who we think should be in the game. I used sports to create this allegory because many of us can easily relate. 

However, this is also how it is in the body of Christ. We try and make decisions for God. In reality, we can't. God has an elect that He chooses to use. What I have learned is that God's elect does not have a starting appearance. Samuel thought God was looking for someone to play the part. God was looking for someone with a heart. The person after His heart. Rest assured my friends, God knows the heart. It may seem like nothing is happening for us, but the word shows us that if we keep attending to the business in front of us and trust in the Lord; when we least expect it, He will anoint us for something greater. We may be out of the starting line up, but when called on we can change the game. In Christ...RJL

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