Thursday, December 12, 2013

ACE #84: Scandal Time - The Law of the Land

Scandal seems to have a cliffhanger at the end of every episode, but NOBODY - I mean NOBODY - was prepared for the final scene of last week's episode where Self-Righteous Sally called Cyrus to tell him she had committed a "grave sin..." uh, and...a crime!

It's interesting to me because in Scandal somehow I don't think the "higher ups" in law and government think they have to obey the laws of the land too.  Oh, this is so entertaining, but their level of personal accountability is always way off.

As Christians, we are not to seek out vengeance. If we do, it is the responsibility of the government to punish accordingly by law as indicated by Romans 13. The governing authority, during this time, was considered to be appointed by God.  The Bible speaks of obeying the "law of the land" unless it conflicts with God's law.  Didn't Jesus get crucified under Pontius Pilate for doing absolutely nothing wrong?  The government/law was wrong! There will be times when your moral center and your ethical obligation will collide.  Either way, go with God.

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