Friday, April 4, 2014

ACE #170: Scandal Time - And Another One Bites the Dust

As usual, Shonda Rhimes is a creative beast.  Classic Scandal lines of the night:

“You take everything from me!” ~ Mellie

“You wouldn’t stand in the sun with me.” ~ Jake

“I don’t love her…I’m really indifferent towards her.” ~ Fitz

“I asked you to save me; and you said no.” ~ Jake

“Gladiators don’t run, they fight.” ~ Abby

“You just killed the President.” ~ Jake

I’m pretty sure Jake owned the night, but it was Mellie who left us a little speechless.  She slapped the taste out of Fitz’s mouth…and he did nothing…he didn’t even blink.  He took it…well, because he knew he deserved it for being such a hypocrite.  Did anyone see that scene coming? I sure didn’t.  It was the slap heard around the world.

Let’s not forget to mention that Maya Pope is completely cuckoo, power hungry, dangerous and malicious.  Khandi Alexander is playing this part a little too well. Can you say a serious Queen Jezebel?  The apple really doesn’t fall too far from the tree.  After all, this episode showed us that Olivia is actually a whole lot like her mother.  But Abby deserves an honorable mention because her white coat was sharp to death as she served as Olivia’s proxy for the day.  And has anyone else noticed that someone dies every week now and it’s not necessarily by the hands of B613 agents?  Mama Pope has killed several people in the last few episodes.  That Claire girl didn't stand a chance.  And Olivia...she was hemmed up against the wall by the neck when the show went off.  Oh, Jake!

I am so glad this is still “make believe” because Olivia Pope can’t really save anyone.  She can't even save herself.  In real life, for those who know Him and call on Him, Jesus saves.  That's real!
Jezebel was the daughter of Ethbaal, King of the Sidonians (1 Kings 16:31).  Her name originally meant 'The Prince Baal exists'. Baal was a weather god worshipped in the Syro-Palestinian world.1 In Biblical Hebrew Jezebel's name means 'there is no nobility'.  Jezebel is an evil woman in the Bible (Revelation 2:20). ~
Scott Foley as Jake Ballard, baby!


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