Saturday, November 2, 2013

ACE #46: Church Tripping

So, I am in the church van headed to Nashville for a church conference, with a group of church members. Now, I know that may not seem like exciting news, but here's the thing. I never thought I would have the desire to take a church trip and fellowship with believers alike. 

The last time I did large group travel it was for worldly pleasures. In the old man, traveling as a group meant I was going to kick it in the streets. You know: Circle City Classic, Black Weekend in ATL (aka Freak Nic), Derby and numerous other festivals in various cities across the country. It meant traveling to these locations to satisfy my own desires. It meant establishing my reputation as who I thought I was. The reality of it is that I looked forward to those trips. 

Now look! The new man in Christ. This is why I am excited. God is awesome. I am looking forward to this trip. I am looking forward to the fellowship and the good time in The Lord. Different from the past, this is not about me. It is about Him. We are headed to this conference to worship The Lord Jesus and experience ways to bring glory to His name. I am expecting a good time in The Lord. 

The scripture tells us that when we are in Christ we are a new creature. The old thing that I used to do is no more. I am new in Him and my desires are not the same. I used to look forward to traveling from city to city on a mission to find worldly pleasures. Well, I still look forward to traveling. Now, it's missionary! Church Tripping!



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