Monday, October 21, 2013

ACE #35: God Does All Things Well

In Mark 7:31-37 the story is told, "Jesus Heals a Deaf and Mute Man."  In it we read that the people begged Jesus to place his hand on "a man who was deaf and could hardly talk" (verse 32).   I find this particular story so interesting.

Prior to Mark 7, Jesus has already healed many people - mostly by either touching them, speaking directly over their situations (or their demons), or perhaps only being in their presence.  In this particular narrative, "Jesus put his fingers into the man's ears. Then he spat and touched the man's tongue. He looked up to heaven and with a deep sigh said to him, 'Ephphatha!' (which means 'Be opened!')". When I think about spit, honestly, I cringe. Okay, maybe it's only me then.  Moving right along, this was a more specific outward/physical action than Jesus had done before in His healing ministry.  This particular man was still healed and received his relief - just in a different, more prescribed, way. 

The man was both deaf and mute, so maybe Jesus wanted to communicate in a manner that the man himself could understand, but not necessarily in the manner that the people/spectators could understand.  It also says that Jesus took the man aside - away from the crowd.  And here's my light bulb moment - every broken place in your life that needs to be healed/restored is NOT for the crowd, sometimes it's just for YOU!  It's for your faith, your belief, your testimony, your healing, and your gratitude.

This particular story taught me that even though it seems like it takes God a long time to show me a breakthrough, some relief, or a sign, that He has crafted my deliverance, or my relief, specifically for my situation. He communicates with me in a manner where I can make no mistake about who brought me through whatever the situation is. It is up to me to trust that HE DOES ALL THINGS WELL on my behalf.

Study Link:

Walter Hawkins - He Does All Things Well


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