Friday, May 2, 2014

ACE #195: Oprah Chai Tea and the Missed Opportunity

Imagine my face when I stepped off the plane in Chicago and saw a big poster with "Oprah Chai Tea" on it.  I tilted my head to the side and asked the question out loud, "Oprah has her own tea?" Then someone explained it to me.  This is what Starbucks released:

As part of this new core offering, Starbucks will make a donation for each Teavana Oprah Chai Tea product sold to benefit educational opportunities for youth through the Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy Foundation. The Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy Foundation provides funding for the Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy for Girls – South Africa and is dedicated to helping its graduates attend colleges and universities. The foundation will support additional youth education through Girls Inc., National CARES Mentoring Movement, Pathways to College and the U.S. Dream Academy. For more information on these organizations, please visit

It just makes me wonder if celebrities have the power, money and influence to do so much good...why are so many people living in poverty right here in the United States?

As I stood by the door waiting on the hotel shuttle, a man walked up to me and another lady and explained his situation to us, with photo in hand, about his living situation with his wife and four children. One of his children is ill.  The other lady said, "I have to go."  She moved away quickly.  But she really wasn't looking at him the entire time anyway. He had focused all of his attention on me mostly. I stood there and listened to his story and sensed he was really in a dilemma.  I said to him, "Sir, I really don't have anything right now, but I will pray for you." He said, "Thank you." And then he went on his way. But then I felt ashamed.  I had a $5 cup of Starbucks coffee in my hand.  That was $5 that I could've given faith.  I felt like it was a missed opportunity to have blessed him.

Whatever you do today, take the time to slow down, pay attention, and do something for someone less fortunate than you.   Don't miss your opportunity to bless someone! The seeds you sow will show up in your harvest. 

Proverbs 19:17
Whoever is generous to the poor lends to The Lord, and he will repay him for his deed.

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